
Sawyer's Room Tour

Sawyer's Room Tour

Well, it's finally here -- a tour of Sawyer's room! When I started decorating, I literally had no direction or plan! Isn't that the worst way to decorate?! I just started buying a few things here and there and somehow it all fell together and I really, really love how it turned out. It's the perfect amount of "boy" while still keeping the decor simple.We had recently moved Charlotte [3] to the bunk beds with her brother so we still had her old crib, dresser, glider and shelving ladder hanging around that I loved to death so I kept everything in there and just changed things up a little to match the style better. I covered our glider we've had since my oldest [and it was a goodwill find then for $26!] and love how it came out. I swear you can add a coat of spray paint to anything and it becomes a whole new piece of furniture!I added a few of my favorite things to his shelves that I not only love to use but look so adorable sitting out. Here's a few shots of the shelving ladder with some of our favorite small shop goods! The felt bins from Loop Design Studio are the perfect modern storage for diapers + wipes, baby blankets, and were such a great combination with our alphabet wood blocks.Nothing better than having Tubby Todd close in reach held up by a Sweet Littles Handmade pirate!Of course I had to add in some Little Wife Power House! I love how our navy marked crib sheet + The James plus quilt pulled together perfectly. They compliment each other without being too matchy matchy! Not to mention that beautiful play gym from Nin + June!Every nursery has to have a beautiful dreamer by Baby Jives! Sawyer loves to lay on his changing pad and stare as it slowly turns.Other resources: wraps by Solly Baby, print c/o A Vintage Poster, moccasins c/o Freshly Picked, sliced wood decor and lamp from Target, crib from Wal Mart, adventure banner by Juney House, rug c/o Rugs USA, hamper from Land of Nod, ladder shelf from Target years ago.A special thanks to Corinne McCombs for the beautiful photos!Thanks for taking the tour! I hope you loved it!xo, LWPH